Tuesday, December 8, 2015

We will finish our COME HOME 
series this week.
Looking forward to seeing you this 
week on Wednesday, Dec 9th!

Below are the answers from last week's viewer guide.
SESSION 4. The Sensual Wanderer
·       Sensual Struggles:
1.       Food
2.       Entertainment
3.       Legal Substances
4.       Illegal Substances
5.       Immorality

·       Sensual: pertaining to, inclined to, or preoccupied with the gratification of my body                             
  •       A sensual person is consumed with indulging their own desires . (*not just sexual)
  •      I want God to be the only influence that reigns supreme in my life. (1 Cor 6:12)
  •       As long as any desire for anything is reigning in my life, I’m not controlled by God, and I am a sensual person.

Samson: Judges 13 (Nazarite vow)  …………. Belong to God …………..

·       Incomplete obedience equals ongoing problems .
o   Joshua did not drive out the Philistines as God instructed
o   Samson was raised up to complete this action that Joshua failed to do
Sensual wanderers have no respect .  Judges 14:2
  • For the sensual wanderer, people are always things .  Judges 14:1-7
  • Others are never considered by the sensual wanderer

Sensual wanderers are controlled by appetite .  Judges 14:8-9

Sensual wanderers are oblivious to the carnage .  Judges 14:10-15, 20
  • Sensual wandering ruins reason . Judges 15:15-19

Sensual wanderers are getting worse and growing weaker . Judges 16:1-19
  • Becomes blind to the dangers

Sensual wanderers will be abandoned by God Himself. Judges 16:20
  •  It’s not the suppression of desire. It’s directing desire toward that which truly satisfies .
  • God is not done with you even when you are done with yourself.  Judges 16:22

It’s not too late for sensual wanderers to come home . Judges 16:23-31

The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever…. Westminster Confession

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