Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Session Three of "This Changes Everything"

Session Three: With Every Trial, A Temptation
Focus Scripture: James 1:13-25
Other Scripture: 
Deuteronomy 8:1-2
Genesis 2:15-17
Matthew 4:1
Mark 1:12
Luke 4:3
Proverbs 7:10-27

Have you ever been tempted? 

You know we all have experienced this. How did we handle it? Was there repercussions from our choice? Will we handle it differently in the future?

How does God want us to handle situations that we know are culturally and spiritually wrong? Can there be "JOY" in the ways we handle temptation?
Lot of questions..........

Want some answers? See you Wednesday night!!!!!!

I received this information from JP Sawyer, Chairman of the Pastor Search Committee:

For those that were not at church on Sunday – the Pastor Search Committee candidate will be preaching in both morning services Sunday Sept.  13.   There will be a special business meeting at 6:00 pm on Sept. 13 at which time the church will vote on the candidate.  Please try to attend and participate in the business meeting.  

Thanks, JP

I am confident that you will want to participate in this event.

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