Thursday, August 27, 2015

Update from Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Update from Wednesday, Aug 26th

A new study kicked-off at the WNBS@FBCE (Wednesday Bible Study at First Baptist Enterprise)This past Wednesday. We welcomed our new members and veteran (old) members. We had 30 participants (if I was counting it was a little less than 100), so you see, we have plenty of chairs even for you!!!!

Assignment for this week:

  1. Finish reading the first session (pg 22-28) and answer the questions as you go. We will cover some of these in the opening (review) session at our next meeting.
  2. I encourage you to use the Apply To Life activities on page 28 as you move through this next week.
  3. Read Session Two: Joy In Pain and answer questions as you go through the material. If you do not want to write in your book, I would suggest answering in a journal or notebook.
So here is a suggested timeline:

  • Everyday: Read James 1:2-12 (pg 33)
  • Thursday - Friday: Complete #1 above
  • Saturday: Read INTRO of session 2 & REJOICE WHEN (NOT IF) YOU FACE TRIALS (pg 33-35) - Answer questions!!!!
  • Sunday: Read REJOICE BECAUSE YOU KNOW SOMETHING (pg 35-37) - Answer questions!!!
  • Monday: Read THE GAIN FROM PAIN (pg 37-40) - Answer questions
  • Tuesday: Read THE BENEFITS FROM WISDOM (pg 40-46) - Answer questions
  • Wednesday: Morning or Noon (go back over the questions and your answers)
  • Wednesday Night: Great sharing and discussion time 


Jim Arrington said...

Great idea to set up a timeline for sudying!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is great.