Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Session 1 Viewer Guide

7 Habits of Highly Hypocritical People:
If you did not get all of the blanks for last week here they are....

The focal scriptures were Matthew 23: 2-7  & Matthew 23: 13-33

Hypocrite: one who pretends to be what he is not, assuming a position of piety when in reality he is destitute of genuine faith, acting the part of being close to God when in reality his heart is very far from HIM.

7 Habits of Highly Hypocritical People:

1. Making salvation as complicated as possible

2. Getting what I need from people even if it hurts them
  • To be indifferent to the impact my conduct has, makes me a hypocrite
3. Squirming my way out of any promise I don't want to keep
  • If I give my word, I keep it. If I make a promise , I keep it.
4. Making a big deal of little things and ignoring things of critical importance
  • Justice: doing what's right
  • Faithfulness: keep going
  • Mercy: going a little easier on people - James 2:13
5. Exhibiting laziness in all matters of the heart (soul/faith)
  • Laziness in matters of the heart: not willing to expend the energy in the things that matter most
  • Greed: I can't get enough .
  • Self-indulgence: I have no restraint in the consumption of what I have.
  • We are who we are when no one can see us. That is the true (me-you-us)
6. Looking good to others, no matter what the cost
7. Pretending to be better than others, no matter what the evidence
  • A lifetime of unrepentant hypocrisy reveals that a person has never truly been born again