Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday, Oct 23, 2015


Beginning with this study, there will be a $10 fee to cover the cost of the Study Books. There will be basket near the door as you come into the room. You may place your money in this basket. This is a voluntary action to help off-set some of the costs for the church.

How to Get the Most From This Study
  • Attend each group session
    • Watch DVD teaching
    • Participate in the group discussion
  • Complete the content in the Bible Study Book
    • Read the daily lessons and complete the learning activities
    • Memorize each week's suggested memory verse
    • Ask God to show you how to bring home the wanderers you know
    • Ask God to show you ways you've wandered from His truth

Check out the video "PRODIGAL" from the Sidewalk Prophets
Something in this video will speak to you!

Session 1
"Go Get the Wanderer"
James 5:19-20
New International Version (NIV)

19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

The PROBLEM exists
  • No one is beyond the reach of God's GRACE.
  • To wander: to proceed without a proper sense of DIRECTION.
  • Both things happen: people just foolishly wander off, or relationships come and get in someone's head and TAKE them away.
  • Wandering begins with an initial STEP.
  • People who have wandered from the truth are not in the light; they're in DARKNESS.
The REMEDY is possible
  • Almighty God RECEIVES back wanderers. He restores them. He forgives them. He celebrates them.
  • Probably the person CLOSEST to you, God's going to have to touch someone else's heart to go get them.
  • There are people right now who are out there WANDERING. Who do you need to go find?
The STAKES are high 
  • Save his soul from DEATH. (Rev 20:14-15)
  • False professions and fake Christians leave and never come back. TRUE Christians , though they may wander, come back. (Phil. 1:6)
  • Risky business to go out for WANDERERS
The REWARD is great
  • The past can be forgiven. The hurts can be healed. The sin can be atoned for. That's the great message of the GOSPEL. ( Psalm 32:1) (1 Peter 4:8) (Luke 15:32)


"The Fearful Wanderer"
Peter "The Rock"

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