Thursday, July 9, 2015

Review of July 8th - THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES


We had a great kickoff for our new study!
Hope you can join us this Wednesday, July 15th@6PM

The following video clips are a small insight into our first meeting.

The video may not play on your SmartPhone. The best way to view is to go to the WNBS@FBCE Blog (Click here)

Here is the Viewer's Guide from July 8th
to Speak Love

Love is the most important word in the English language.
Love is the most confusing word in the English language.

Inside every child is an emotional love tank.
Adults also have a love tank.

The Five Love Languages
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Receiving Gifts
3. Acts of Service
4. Quality Time
5. Physical Touch

  • Each of us has a primary love language.
  • By nature, we speak our love language.
  • We have to learn how to speak the other person’s love language.
  • When the act doesn’t come naturally, it’s a greater expression of love.
  • Love is something you do for somebody else, not something you do for yourself.

Discovering a Child’s Love Language
1. Observe their behavior.
2. Notice what they request of you most often.
3. Observe them as they play with other children.

If we learn to speak the love languages of our spouses and our children, we change the emotional climate in the home.


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