God’s Call to Graduates and All Others!
Dr. Jay Wolf Several years ago I made a memorable trip over to Johnson City, Texas, to check on my father’s sister and brother-in-law who were living in a nursing home. Aunt Ima was a prisoner of Alzheimer's. She spoke in jumbled phrases as she nervously tugged at her dark blue, food-stained warm-ups. In the adjacent room, my Uncle John Lengefeldt spoke with piercing clarity and impressive insight. He was battling prostate cancer, fighting a dangerous infection and he had lost his mobility due to crippling arthritis. His body was shot but his spirit was bullet-proof.
As we talked, Uncle John described his puzzlement at God’s apparent insistence that he and Ima remain on earth instead of crossing over to heaven. However, he calculated that as long as his body functioned he would do his best to serve the Lord. John explained, “I have preached every Sunday in the nursing home for the last five years. I try to share about God’s power to bring hope.”
Uncle John, a man who operated a gravestone business for years in South Texas further observed, “Just this morning one of the nurses came to me for counseling. Her fiancé broke their engagement. I dried her tears with God’s hope.”
Later in the conversation, Uncle John began to weep as he explained, “Little Jay, when I was 18 years old, God clearly called me to preach His Word, but I ran from His call. Then after about twenty years, I told God I was now ready. However, God whispered in reply, ‘Someone else filled your place, John. But it’s okay — keep serving as best as you can.’” As he wiped more tears and removed his thick glasses he reasoned, “I missed the joy of embracing God’s call and doing God’s work; but I am trying to serve now and make up for some of the lost opportunity.”
From graduating seniors to senior adults, we can learn from Uncle John’s regrets and example. Be sure to listen. Do not miss God’s call. Please do not cheat yourself out of the joy of serving. Additionally, seek every opportunity to accomplish God’s purpose as long as you possess an earthly address. |
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