Tuesday, August 18, 2015



Physical Touch
  • Physical touch is one of the fundamental ways of expressing love.
  • Not all touches are of equal value.
  • Don’t assume a touch that makes you feel loved will make your spouse feel loved.

  • Explicit touches require your full attention.
  • Implicit touches take just a moment.

  • To touch a person’s body is to touch them emotionally.
  • Physical touch in times of crisis can be the most important thing you do.
  • If you’re not comfortable with physical touch, start with something simple.

  • Three questions to help you speak love to your spouse:
  • 1. “What can I do to help you ?”
  • 2. “How can I make your life easier ?”
  • 3. “How can I be a better spouse to you ?”

The key to motivation is having the attitude of Christ toward your spouse.

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