Thursday, August 27, 2015

Update from Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Update from Wednesday, Aug 26th

A new study kicked-off at the WNBS@FBCE (Wednesday Bible Study at First Baptist Enterprise)This past Wednesday. We welcomed our new members and veteran (old) members. We had 30 participants (if I was counting it was a little less than 100), so you see, we have plenty of chairs even for you!!!!

Assignment for this week:

  1. Finish reading the first session (pg 22-28) and answer the questions as you go. We will cover some of these in the opening (review) session at our next meeting.
  2. I encourage you to use the Apply To Life activities on page 28 as you move through this next week.
  3. Read Session Two: Joy In Pain and answer questions as you go through the material. If you do not want to write in your book, I would suggest answering in a journal or notebook.
So here is a suggested timeline:

  • Everyday: Read James 1:2-12 (pg 33)
  • Thursday - Friday: Complete #1 above
  • Saturday: Read INTRO of session 2 & REJOICE WHEN (NOT IF) YOU FACE TRIALS (pg 33-35) - Answer questions!!!!
  • Sunday: Read REJOICE BECAUSE YOU KNOW SOMETHING (pg 35-37) - Answer questions!!!
  • Monday: Read THE GAIN FROM PAIN (pg 37-40) - Answer questions
  • Tuesday: Read THE BENEFITS FROM WISDOM (pg 40-46) - Answer questions
  • Wednesday: Morning or Noon (go back over the questions and your answers)
  • Wednesday Night: Great sharing and discussion time 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Please join us on August 26th to kickoff a new study on Wednesday Nights!

Inline image 2         THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING: Lessons from James   

8 session study for adults by Ben Stuart that unpacks the Book of James. The world desperately needs Christians whose actions match their convictions. Generations, young and older, are rising, and we need to see the power of the gospel working its way out into our everyday lives. Enter James, the half-brother of Jesus. Be warned, everything is on the table. James will call us to evaluate the way we deal with hardship, handle money, use our words, and plan our futures. But if we will let him in, James's letter has the potential for our outside to match our inside, our activity to match our God-given identity.
Join us as author Ben Stuart unfolds the teachings of James, who went from skeptic to believer. Just as James came face-to-face with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he wants the same for you—whether you're wondering what being a Christian is all about or you've been following Christ for years. What James knew then still holds true today. When we encounter Jesus, He will change everything. 


Physical Touch
  • Physical touch is one of the fundamental ways of expressing love.
  • Not all touches are of equal value.
  • Don’t assume a touch that makes you feel loved will make your spouse feel loved.

  • Explicit touches require your full attention.
  • Implicit touches take just a moment.

  • To touch a person’s body is to touch them emotionally.
  • Physical touch in times of crisis can be the most important thing you do.
  • If you’re not comfortable with physical touch, start with something simple.

  • Three questions to help you speak love to your spouse:
  • 1. “What can I do to help you ?”
  • 2. “How can I make your life easier ?”
  • 3. “How can I be a better spouse to you ?”

The key to motivation is having the attitude of Christ toward your spouse.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Updates for August 12th

  • If you have not selected your choices for our next Bible Study, please do so immediately. Check your email for the choices. Check your SPAM folder if you can not find it in your inbox.
  • We will finish with our present study, "The 5 Love Languages," on Wednesday, August 19th
  • The NEW STUDY will begin on Wednesday, August 26th. We look forward to seeing you.!!!!!


Acts of Service
  • Actions speak louder than words.
  • Giving your spouse information about what would be a meaningful act of service to you is important.

  • Make a list of the things you would like your spouse to do for you.

  • Number the items in order of importance to you.
  • Listen to your spouse’s complaints and you will know how to express love.

  • A good example of acts of service: the life of Jesus.

  • The very heart of love is an attitude of serving the other person.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Receiving Gifts

Update from July 29th


Love Language Three:

Receiving Gifts

A gift is a visible sign of love.

To the individual whose primary love language is gifts, it doesn’t matter how much the gift costs.

What if gift giving doesn’t come naturally?

1. Make a list of the gifts you have heard your spouse comment on through the years.
2. Recruit your spouse’s family to help you.
3. Give whatever is comfortable for you to give.
4. Make a list of comments your spouse makes about things he/she would like to have.

The gift of presence means being with your spouse in times of
celebration and crisis.

If having your spouse with you is important to you, tell him/her.