Friday, May 29, 2015

The Discipline of Service

Lesson 6
The Discipline of Service
Focus Scripture: Luke 17:7-10   &   John 13:1-18

Luke describes two types:
A. One for does not serve God(master), but expects God(master) to serve him
B. One who does serve God (master) and expects God (master) to serve him in returned 

1. We must not expect God to serve US before we have served HIM
  • What are you expecting from God?
    • Protection for our children/family
    • Financial provision
    • Healing
    • Wisdom
    • Salvation for you & family

2. We must not expect any immediate return for our service.
  • Don’t serve for something you get back
  • Reasons People Quit Serving
    • I didn’t feel appreciated
    • I didn’t get the results I wanted
    • I didn’t get the feeling I wanted
    • Ministry (serving) is hard work

3. We must see service as our obligation to Jesus Christ
  • We are commanded to serve

4. We must serve faithfully. (John 13:1-18  Jesus’ example of serving others)
  • Faithful: constant in the performance of duty
  • We Must Serve Faithfully
    • Even when my schedule is Full (busyness; a poison that slowly and steadily kills our ability to serve God and others.
    • Even when I want to Quit
    • Even when my heart is Breaking (heavy – saddened)
    • Even when I serve in Silence

5. We must serve Humbly, Mutually, Immediately

Scriptures   Luke 17:7-10   John 13:1-18