The Discipline of Personal Bible Study
- PICK it up.
- The Bible is BEYOND any other book
- God’s Word TRANSFORMS you.
- God’s Word gives you WISDOM.
- God’s Word brings you JOY.
- Precepts: divine PRINCIPLES, rulings, prescriptions, pronouncements, charges
- God’s Word dispels the DARKNESS.
- God’s commands are RIGHT/CLEAR.
- The commands of the Lord are so crystal clear that they bring LIGHT to the darkness in every human heart.
- Fear of the Lord: the attitude that seeks a right RELATIONSHIP with the fear source.
- God’s Word adds STABILITY. God’s Word promises JUSTICE.
- Rules: rulings, JUDGEMENTS, verdicts, pronouncements, consequences, decisive actions
- SIZE it up
- God’ s Word is a FIRE …Jer 5: 14 God’s Word is a SWORD … Heb 4:12
- God’s Word is a HAMMER….Jer 23:29 God’s Word is a SEED …1 Peter 1:23
- God’s Word is MILK …1 Peter 2:2 God’s Word is MEAT …Heb 5:12-14
- God’s Word is a LIGHT…Ps 119:105 God’s Word is a MIRROR …James 1:23-24
- EAT it up (Jer 15:16 – Devour Your Words)
- READ it
- Even if there are parts that you do not understand. Focus on the parts that you do understand.
- Through your diligent pursuit and prayer, God will make known those areas that were unknown.
- Is there an EXAMPLE for me to follow?
- Is there a SIN for me to confess?
- Is there a TRUTH for me to understand?
- Is there a COMFORT for me to embrace
- PLAN it
- PRAY it
- SHARE it
- Other Notes:
- Take notes as you study…..
- Notes in your Bible – Journal – Single Sheet of paper
- Put down date
- Ask yourself…..
- What does the text say?
- What does the text mean?
- How does the text apply to my life?
REMEMBER: DAY 4 & DAY 5 will help you get on track or become better at your personal Bible Study…